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Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia

On November 1st, 2006 over 75 participants enjoyed a presentation by Tony Bremner of the Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia.

Tony started off by providing a very detailed package for the participants which included many print materials on the services of the WCB. While there was a formal presentation developed for the session, Tony engaged the participants in a discussion about how much of a “service” WCB can be for employers.

Tony advised the group of various reports generated by WCB which provide information, percentages and trends relevant to specific industries. Some surprising information Tony shared with the group was that when a NS worker is on WCB, the employee stays off work longer than anywhere else in Canada, with the average absence being 119 days.

Tony then went on in detail about the Return to Work initiatives which generated much discussion. The core theme of the discussion was around partnerships with physiotherapy clinics and employers. Tony advised the group that his office is available to work with employers to develop a return to work plan for employees who may not be willing to return to work.

Overall the discussion was very informative and offered many suggestions for future topics.


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