Kate Moore: HR Specialist and Policy Guru
Kate is a Human Resources Coordinator with eight years experience both in and outside the Human Resources field. She developed her skills in human resources during her time as HR Assistant with the Association of
Canadian Com-munity Colleges in
Ottawa. After three years there,
she had the oppor-tunity to live and
work in the United States. During that
time she developed her project management skills work-ing
for the consulting firm Criminal Justice Institute Inc. in Middletown,
Connecticut. CJI consults primarily with the U. S. Department of Justice
and state Departments of Correc-tions, and provides training and tech-nical
assistance nationwide. During that two-year period, Kate traveled
across the U. S., helping to organize and execute various seminars and
larger scale conferences in the capac-ity of Project Manager, Training &
Technical Assistance. Kate's academic background in-cludes
an Honours Bachelor of Busi-ness Administration, with a focus on
Human Resources, from Brock Uni-versity in St. Catharines, ON. In the
past two years she has devoted most of her spare time to preparing for and
writing the Comprehensive Provincial Examinations for her Certified Hu-man
Resources Professional designa-tion. She intends to complete the
final experiential component in the coming year. Kate also holds her
Registered Professional Recruiter designation.
Currently, Kate works in the casino industry as Human Resources
Coordinator with Rideau Carleton Racetrack Slots in Ottawa, which is
part of the Ontario Lottery & Gam-ing Corporation (OLGC). OLGC
is a Crown Corporation under the aegis of the Office of the Attorney
General of Ontario. Most Ontarians are familiar with OLGC's lottery
line of products such as Lotto 6/ 49 and Sports Select, but the corpora-tion
also has under its umbrella fif-teen Racetrack Slot Operations, five
Charity Casinos and three Commer-cial Casinos.
Most of the Racetrack Slot Op-erations and Charity Casinos have
opened within the last five years, thus there has been a tremendous amount
of growth during that time. As Human Resources Coordina-tor,
Kate was part of the team that established Rideau Carleton Race-track
Slots in 1999. During that time she actively recruited, hired and 350
employees within two months. Since then, Kate has acquired responsibil-ity
for Disability Management, Work-er's Compensation Claims Manage-ment
and other aspects of Occupa-tional Health & Safety. She is also a
trainer, assisting in the delivery of several different programs relating to
Human Resources Orientation, as well as training for supervisors. Kate
also provides advice and assistance to staff and managers on policies and
procedures. Most recently, her re-sponsibilities expanded to include
chairing a panel for a new internal grievance procedure.
In terms of future plans, Kate is looking forward to completion of her
CHRP designation and would like to continue taking courses and keep-ing
current on issues and best prac-tices in human resources. She has
recently taken on the volunteer posi-tion of Editor of IPM's Members
Quarterly. At home, Kate's favourite spot
to relax is the family cottage in Que-bec's Gatineau Hills. She is also
kept quite busy these days spending time with the beagle puppy she and
her husband recently adopted.
Shalini Richards: Regional Co-Chair, Maritimes
Shalini is a senior Human Resources Professional with over seven years' experience in the field of Recruitment and Re-tention. With a focus on the Recruit-ment and Staffing industry in Nova Scotia, she has developed her busi-ness acumen and a passion for the
growing field of Human Resources. Shalini's academic pursuits in-clude
training from the National
Seminars Asso-ciation focusing
on Women in Management, a
degree in Man-agement and Hu-man
Resources from Mount Saint
Vincent Univer-sity and a degree
in the study of Sociology and Psy-chology. In addition to holding her
Certified Human Resources Profes-sional designation, Shalini is also a
Registered Professional Recruiter and is certified through the Canadian Man-agement
Professionals Association. Currently, Shalini is working as
an Executive Recruiting and HR Consultant on an independent basis.
Using the networking and research skills she has developed throughout
her career, Shalini has assisted in the successful placement of various top
candidates with some of Atlantic Canada's business leaders.
Shalini also works in a generalist HR capacity and has been responsi-ble
for implementing several formal-
ized HR procedures. Recent projects include the implementation of a Per-formance
Management System, a Salary and Compensation Review,
developing Recruitment and Selec-tion Process and Techniques, and
Conflict and Discipline Management. Being active in her profession is a
priority for Shalini, and she has vol-unteered her time to the pursuit of
ensuring that Human Resources is respected as one of the top profes-sions
in Atlantic Canada. She has played a leading role in numerous
committees, including the Member-ship Committee for the Human Re-sources
Association of Nova Scotia (HRANS), the Mentorship Pro-gram
for HRANS, a Performance Management Committee, a Conflict
Resolution Committee and her most
current appointment of Regional Co-Chair of IPM for the Halifax chapter.
In her personal time, Shalini has a great passion for dogs and spends
her free time with her 4-year-old Basenji, Anubis. She also enjoys
going to the gym, spending quality time with her friends and reading the
latest Indo-Canadian fiction.
Tracey Lillis: Change Specialist
Tracey Lillis is the Vice Presi dent and General Manager of Toombs KWA Inc., a career transition firm in Western Can-ada with national and international affiliates. With over 20 years of ex-perience in career management, pub-lic relations and individual counsel-ling,
she provides career transition
services including executive coach-ing,
assessments and team build-ing.
Tracey has worked with small,
medium, and For-tune 500 corpora-tions
in all aspects of career transition
& development. Through KWA Partners Inc., the national affiliate of
Toombs KWA, Tracey understands the Canadian business market and its
regional variations. As General Manager of the Ed-monton
office, she is responsible for leading a team of senior career spe-cialists,
directing all business develop-ment activities, and managing daily
operations. Tracey uses her extensive experience to help companies through
organizational change and assist with employee terminations and career
transitions. She has been instrumen-tal in planning the logistics of large
downsizings and individual depar-tures and advises management on
best practices for the termination and follow-up support of the departing
employee. She is a contributing au-thor to a publication on best practices
for releasing employees that has been adopted as a training tool and re-source
in many companies. As a seasoned career transition
consultant, Tracey counsels employ-ees in career planning and all aspects
of conducting a successful job search. She is certified in the use of the Ca-reer
Architect group of instruments and qualified to administer and inter-pret
the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Strong Interest Inventory. Tracey
has trained in a number of propri-etary tools and courses, including
360-degree feedback and executive feedback, through Lee Hecht Harrison,
global partner with Toombs KWA. Tracey is a member of the Toombs
KWA senior executive team and plays a key role in the strategic plan-ning,
policy development, and P & L responsibility for the organization.
Tracey strives to create a vibrant work environment encouraging work/ life
balance, fairness, fun, and opportuni-ties for growth.
Prior to joining Toombs KWA, Tracey worked in management roles
for both the public and private sec-tors, and has provided individual and
group counselling in the health serv-ices area. Since 1986, Tracey has
been committed to the outplacement industry where she started as a Pro-gram
Manager with a Toronto con-sulting firm.
Tracey graduated from the Uni-versity of Windsor with an Honours
B. A. in Psychology. In addition to her Certified Human Resources Pro-fessional
(CHRP) designation, she is a member of the Human Resources
Management Association of Edmon-ton (HRMAE), a Registered Pro-fessional
Recruiter (RPR), and a member of the International Associa-tion
of Career Management Profes-sionals (IACMP). Her education
combined with her work experience allows her to bring sensitivity, busi-ness
awareness, and professional insight to her clients.
In her leisure time, Tracey enjoys family related activities and many out-door
pursuits, including canoeing.