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Fall 2003 Edition- September 2003 Volume 3

Volunteers: The Power Source of Associations
It didn't start out as being very "voluntary". I was a bored 14-year-old anticipating a summer of sitting on the couch and watching soap operas the summer my mother sent me off to volunteer. There was no way, she said, that she was going to be stepping over my prone body for three months. More ...

Navigating the Waters of Corporate Ethics
At some point in your career, you'll be asked to do some thing you know is wrong. It could happen because some harassed manager is trying to cut corners, or it could be because the organization itself has a culture of unethical be-haviour. In either case, it may cause a dilemma for you personally. It's not like you're a Pollyanna or that you're naive. More ...

Effective Use of 360° Feedback
Our organization is looking into using 360° feedback as a way of assessour executives. What should we be watching out for? More ...
Get the Facts on Pre-Employment Screening
What does preemployment screening involve? Our company already checks references. Why would we need to do more than that? More ...
EAP: What's In It for Your Company?
Why offer an Employee Assistance Program? More ...

Members Take Note
Sean FitzGerald, Esq., RPR, CMP, RAS - Forensic Vocational Consultant Inc, Saint John's Newfoundland
Christina Semaniuk, RPR - Cambrian Credit Union, Winnipeg Manitoba

"The Stay Interview" and Employment Law Update
A group of almost 100 attendees gathered in Toronto on June 11 for a very topical Spring Workshop. The session included a talk on "The Stay Interview " by Marge Watters, a partner with KWA Partners in Toronto, and the consistently popular "Employment Law Today's Hottest Issues" by Kristen Lopes, a lawyer with Ogilvy Renault. Each year, many companies spend far more on recruiting replacement employees than investing in keeping the star employees they already have on staff. More ...

In Conversation With... Lynn Turner, RPR
Members of IPM's Associations have frequently seen Lynn Turner's name in tributes to the National Board of Directors over the past few years. Most recently, Lynn Turner, RPR, was voted 2002-2003 Member of the Year by the National Board for her exceptional contributions to the success of IPM's four associations. More ...

Executive Coaching: Can It Help Your Organization?
The popularity of executive coaching, defined in this context as the use of outside consulting expertise to maximize a key individual's potential within an organization, continues to grow in today's changing marketplace. In this first of several articles on this subject, we will begin to examine what constitutes an effective coaching program and why organizations have embraced this relatively new human resources tool. More ...

So You Want to Be a Recruiter?
Having been in the business of recruiting for the past seven years, I find it very interesting when talking to people who say "I wouldn't mind doing what you do." Generally, I ask why. Most of the time the response I get is, "Well, I like working with people." Depending on my mood, I pose the question, "What does recruiting have to do with people?" I mean, isn't recruiting a really cleverly disguised sales job? More ...

Workplace Today® a Top Management Resource
IPM's Workplace Today® journal continues to be reognized as a top Canadian management resource, being quoted in a recent management textbook. Several excerpts from the journal appear in Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices (First Canadian Edition), published by the prestigious management publisher McGrawHill Ryerson. More ...

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As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact Kate Moore, RPR, Members Quarterly Editor at


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