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Managing for Success: The Value of Values

A group of over 25 attendees gathered in Edmonton on May 27th, for a very interactive Spring Workshop. The session included a talk on "Managing for Success: The Value of Values" by Joy Humphrey, Managing Partner with Excel Group Development Edmonton.

The workshop generated lots of discussion and interaction. Each table was asked to develop a resume for a company who had 24% staff turnover. The resume included what each person would be contributing to the project. Three groups were formed and the results of their collaboration brought forth 3 main areas of discussion:

1. Roles, goals, expectations must be defined by each company

2. Employees must feel valued: health & safety of employee's important, communication important to all employees, corporate objectives and project management

3. HR skills: listening skills

Ultimately, the information provided by Ms. Humphrey was not only informative but also practical when working with people in either a professional or personal arena:

  • Know which attitudes drive actions and decisions (what are internal motivators)
  • Understand each attitude and what determines the job fit
  • Understand others viewpoints and be able to dialogue by seeing the world through their eyes

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