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Winter 2004 Edition- January 2004 Volume 4

Resolution or Plan?
Welcome to the dawn of 2004! It seems like just yesterday we celebrated the new millennium, let alone the year 2003. As we live our day to day lives, time in the larger sense seems to fly by. Seasons change, New Year's resolutions become dusty and dated and suddenly here we are again with a clean slate before us. More ...

Resolving to Embrace Change
Happy New Year! I've made some New Year's resolutions. I'm going to lose 20 pounds, stop smoking, eat more veggies, be kind to strangers and bring peace and harmony to the planet. The pressure is on. I've written it down this time. Now, let's pile on the stress and guilt from failing to achieve last year's resolutions and heart failure is not far down the road. Why do we do this to ourselves? More ...

Making the Most of Employee Recognition
How can I attract and retain great employees? More ...
Appropriate Outplacement Packages
When putting a termination package together, calculating the amount of severance is one thing, but how much and what type of out-placement service should I provide? More ...
Interests, Attitudes and Values
How do attitudes affect performance? More ...

Members Take Note
Luce Moisan, Associate Member, CMPA - The Canada Life Assurance, Montreal
Gary M. Smith, RPR, CMP - Red Deer Lodge, Red Deer

The New Privacy The Ottawa Chapter hosted an informative preview of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (" PIPEDA") which came into force in Ontario on January 1, 2004. The meeting took place at the Centurion Conference Centre, and a good number of people braved driving rain and high winds to attend the session. More ...

In Conversation With... Barbara Kierstead-Shanks
A graduate of the University of New Brunswick's Saint John campus, Ms Kierstead-Shanks is a career government employee serving with both the federal government (HRDC) and the provincial government (Training and Employment Development -TED). In 1997, HRDC and the provincial government signed the Labour Market Development Agreement that transitioned employment program delivery and management, training and the Employment Insurance fund from the federal government to the province of New Brunswick. More ...

Stress in the Workplace
In today's climate of downsizing and loss of job security, the term 'stress' has taken on serious proportions. More than ever, people need to have strategies to manage their stress. We all know the role that exercise plays in improving our health and feeling of well being. The impact that physical activity has on our mental health cannot be overlooked. Research has shown that the physical changes that take place during exercise actually have an effect on our mental functioning. Endorphins are released during exercise, which help to lift depression and can allay stress. Blood flow is increased during exercise so that internal organs and muscles benefit from improved circulation and oxygen delivery. More ...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact Kate Moore, RPR, Members Quarterly Editor at


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